Symposium 1

Communications for the future autonomous renewable energy (AREV) vehicle in the urban context.

RCA Kensington, 15 June 2018. 


The first interdisciplinary symposium introduces the evolution of vehicles, the city and semiotics (the study of signs and communication). In the symposium, speakers presented architectural media including annotated drawings, photographs, chronology and animation to stimulate discussions between communications, intelligent mobility and architecture (urban / city design) researchers at the RCA about the relationship of humans, vehicles and the city.

This sets a background of understanding of how autonomous vehicles may impact or benefit communities in the city.

Participants / speakers

Colin Polwarth facilitated and presented the symposium. The workshop included 11 participants; 6 Intelligent Mobility Design Centre (IMDC) MA students, 1 M.Phil / PhD School of Architecture (SoA) student, 1 Master of Art School of Communications (SoC) student. The symposium was attended by PhD senior supervisor Dr Jon Goodbun (speaker) and Dr Artur Mausbach (presenter) and a strategy advisor from Jaguar Land Rover (speaker).

A summary of the symposium was produced and distributed to all participants; the symposium presented Colin Polwarth’s research at that time, this is a summary of the initial research findings.