Transfiguration or chaos

Friday 10 July 2020, 10am BST


Transfiguration or chaos is an online-symposium[1] on connected autonomous vehicles (CAV), ‘the right to the city[2]’, and, the environment. The online-symposium aims to facilitate interdisciplinary dialogue fostering the development of transdisciplinary knowledge in this novel field.

10 July 2020

Royal College of Art, London

A considerable amount of technical information on CAV is already available; however, there is a lack of research on the subject that would engage with the fields of integrated urban design, urban planning, and environmental sciences. A literature review[1] and a scenario analysis have been prepared to facilitate a relevant discussion.

Figure 7. Aesthetic taxonomy c.2000 drawing by C Polwarth.jpg

Speakers include
Colin Polwarth


The symposium is structured with the use of scenario planning to focus on the fully CAV-based future environment across the following three interrelated themes:

  • Environmentally sustainable transport and the role of CAV in this field

  • CAV communications and intelligence systems, including those of autonomous vehicles (AV) connecting to the city

  • People, semiotics,and interaction with CAV

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